J. D. Obenberger
Second Amendment Attorney, NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, Concealed Carry Instructor certified by the Illinois State Police.
J. D. Obenberger provides representation for CCL applicants who have been the targets of law enforcement objections, both in front of the Illinois Concealed Carry License Review Board and by filing lawsuits against the ICCLRB in both federal and state courts.
An attorney for 35 years, and a former Army JAG, Joe Obenberger has always taken special pride in fighting for the underdog, for clients whose rights are disregarded by established powers. Especially in Illinois, this means fighting the government to secure Second Amendment rights for its law abiding citizens. Large numbers of good and decent people in this State have been denied their fundamental right of self defense and we are fighting their good fight.
We are available to speak about our experiences challenging these laws for gun clubs and civic, veterans’ and patriotic associations. Contact us through 2damendment.com.